Erection Day?
Just a quick story that made me laugh. A lady I work with who is from Hong Kong, told me to make sure I go out on Tuesday. I was baffled for the first few seconds and asked, where am I going. She then reminded me that Tuesday was Erection Day. Yes, with her typical Asian accent, she told me that I "need to get out and vote on Erection Day."
I asked her if it would be "hard?"
She replied with, "No, its-a reery easy. Its-a aw computah now."
I then said, "I heard its going to be a stiff race."
She said, "I don' rike Repubrican or Demercraht, so I don no."
Me, "I think they are going to blow it all over again."
She then replied with, "Yeah, day-sa gots-a rotta balrs (balls) and I think day reery stink."
I ended with, "Well, you can clean them up with enough time."
And her final comment? "Nah, all dem is-a ass hoes!"
I busted out laughing and she took great pride in being the one who made me laugh because it is usually I who makes everyone else laugh.
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